Thursday, July 23, 2009

Good Day or Bad Day?

Yesterday was one of those days. It started out with traffic jams left and right which turned a usual 40 minute trip into and hour and one half with a doctor's appointment in jeopardy. I forgot my sunglasses and the glare was killing my eyes. To top it off the small road that we use to get to the doctor's office was blocked off. We are not familiar with the area and there was not a detour. In addition, the coffee I had for breakfast was working overtime on my bladder. After several wrong turns and turn arounds we luckily found our way to the office complex. I ran to the ladies room almost knocking down a poor woman. After the appointment we had some time to kill before the next appointment so we decided to go to a consignment store that I had been to before in a nearby town. When we got to the front door we noticed that the store looked dark and the door was locked. We checked to see if there was a closed sign but there was not. My daughter says "Look, their is a policeman inside - actually there is two". I pressed my face against the glass and low and behold their are two policemen with evidence kits and gloves dusting for fingerprints and placing items in a bag. What are the odds? We hope that it was a simple break-in and that no one got hurt. We decide to find a place to eat. We drive and drive and cannot settle on a place, but finally we find our way to a Potbelly Sandwich chain. It is in a strip of stores which all have doorways to get in. The Potbelly has no door, but a sign saying to take the underground exit. We tried and tried but could not find the way in. When we were just about to give up, we found someone who could direct us around, under and around to get to the door. By the time we got through the ordering process and sent to the "Toppings" girl, I had just about had it. The toppings girl asks my daughter and me (with the most cheerful voice imaginable), "How are you ladies enjoying your day so far?" At first I thought, "Is this a joke?". Then I realized that it really wasn't as bad as it could have been. It took the toppings girl at Potbelly to put things into perspective. My daughter and I enjoyed our sandwiches and the rest of the day went just fine. We do have a lot to be thankful for!

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